Опубликована очередная подборка модов. В нее включены плагины для Oblivion, Witcher, Singles 2, Loki, Singles 2.
Oblivion/EC body texture v4.2
- Oblivion/MaleBodyReplacerV4
- Oblivion/EC body texture v4.2
- Oblivion/Adult Books 1.1.1
- Oblivion’s sexy clothing/ Strap bathing suit for Exnem Body
- Oblivion’s sexy clothing/ Nharys wearable undies for Exnems
- Witcher (Ведьмак)/ Witcher’s Girls Nude v1.2
- Loki/ Heroes of Mythology armor
- Singles 2/ Muschi Rasiert
- Singles 2/ Feature Breast
- Sacred/ Nude Seraphim
Oblivion/Adult Books 1.1.1
Oblivion’s sexy clothing/ Strap bathing suit for Exnem Body
Oblivion’s sexy clothing/ Nharys wearable undies for Exnems
Witcher (Ведьмак)/ Witcher’s Girls Nude v1.2
Loki/ Heroes of Mythology armor
Singles 2/ Muschi Rasiert
Singles 2/ Feature Breast
Sacred/ Nude Seraphim